Holy Week
infinity channel electronic broadcast work
[Image used is Oedipus by Max Ernst from Une semaine de bonté (1934).]
Holy Week received its premier at the 2019 Electric Spring Festival, on the HISS sound system in Phipps Hall at the University of Huddersfield. This concert took place February 20, 2019.
This binaural recording was made in the 25.4-channel Spatialisation and Interactive Research Lab (SPIRAL) at the University of Huddersfield, so hopefully while a massive reduction from real space to a couple of ‘cans’ it will give a sense of the piece. It is important to keep in mind, however, that listening to a binaural reduction of a piece of space music is akin to looking at a black and white photograph of a painting in a book, as compared to looking at the painting itself.
Programme Note:
Holy Week began as an attempt record the dawn chorus in Norfolk each day of Easter week 2017. Each day I tried, and each day I failed, as after positioning the microphone to capture the ecstatic salutations of the morning’s first birds their lullaby abruptly and consistently send me back to dreamland. However, this was not a total loss! What I obtained through this process was recorded evidence of completely unconscious behaviours, songs, and poems that I composed and performed while sleeping, a sort of lyrical composition at its most unmediated, or at the very least a sound image akin to an accidental photograph taken of the back of one’s own head.
I first worked with this material by gradually shifting the sound field by degree, in a manner suggestive of the sun moving steadily across the horizon on subsequent mornings. Then, I began to introduce other elements, sounds representational, and voices or signs characteristic of behaviours of things. Eventually I found myself responding to the epigraphs and images from Max Ernst’s own “week of kindness”(Une Semaine De Bonté). And so, Holy Week: a time-lapse audio guide to the sacred and profane, a hi-speed exhibitionist montage of personal environments.
additional information:
“…it does its laundry with its tongue”
(Jarry, LÁmour Absolu)
“D. – What do you see?”
R. – Water.
D.- What colour is this water?
R. – The colour of water.”
(Peret, endormi)
“Enter he said and there was light.
No one had knocked.”
(Tzara, Ou boivent les loups)
“Great God, save the earth from ever bearing such monsters.
No history has proved there were any such.
Through the efforts of the authorities, no one will be exposed to them any longer.
(Complainte de Peyrebeille)
“I say that my fountain-pen is black, and I see it as black under the sun’s rays.
But this blackness is less the sensible quality of blackness than a sombre power
which radiates from the object.”
(Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception)
“I object to the love of readymade images in place of images to be made”
(Eluard, Comme deux gouttes déau)
“. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .”
(Borel, Breton)
my piece contains the following poem:
opening her mouth
a tiger emerges from the mouth of the bell
opening its own mouth
a tiger emerges from its mouth
arch-backed lions open their mouths
out of which arise lions
defining an arch
this lasts forever
an empty building rises in the darkness above an otherwise crowded town square
people buy hotdogs
from a single window you are watched closely
a tiger emerges from the mouth of the bell
opening its own mouth
a tiger emerges from the mouth
arch-mouthed lions open their backs
out of which arise lions
defining an arch
sharp teeth pain fingertips
that hold the teeth
holding it open
self-similar and becoming
a waterfall
that masks the gaping mouth of the cave
she took my hand
don’t be afraid
but I was afraid
self-similar and becoming
a waterfall
becoming a beacon
floodlights across the water
shipwrecked on easter island
holding on for dear life at the mouth of the delta
perhaps they will be found, despite the fierce currents
the ferocious waves
perhaps they will have survived
meanwhile, its cousin
the river
flowing inward
draining down the mountain range
and out
into its tributaries
defining the flood plane
defining the territory
the flypaper
and the territory
same seconds on either side
and the same scent on either side
the sum of all sides
the key to songs
breathing fire at the court of the dragon
a soprano, breathing water
(whispers of the relations across the table)
meanwhile, the tablecloth, covered with blood
and her dress covered in blood
oedipal bubbles form on clear lips
the servants bring boiled eggs
slowly placing them before the drooling guests
and one great boiled egg
in the center of the table
that they slowly peel with their foreheads
wherefrom project great egg teeth
rinosaurian egg teeth
the bells roar, a putrid cloud fills the valley
fearless, pass beneath tigers descriptive of arches
and arch-backed tigers asleep in stone
recall the bubbles that reflected the glowing city from the riverside
in the memory where the trees ended into the river
and across
the city lifts her skirts and rises from the riverside
head invisible in the haze, the gaslight
the wind is blowing
and the wind is black
there is no flag blowing in the wind
at the interior
all songs constitute
a new and yet unknown multitude keys
I downloaded these songs
I listened to them on my way home
singing them for myself
the man on the bench next to me
his face, entirely destroyed
peeling off
I closed my eyes
breathing in my songs
breathing out again
arch-backed she floats above the ruins of the city
her only spectator the sacred pigeon